Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Claw TAIL is gone!

Miraculously the Claw Tail has disappeared. I guess Champ was not growing a claw on his tail, making him an evolutionary stand out.

It reminds me of when I was a kid and my step dad ran over the tail of one of my favorite cats. Poor thing, the half of the tail that got run over started to look pretty scruffy, it started to be bent, it turned black, the hair got all matted and dredlocked, and then one day it was gone. The "half-tail" was pretty cute when the dead tail fell off.

I guess because of that incident I knew Champ really wasn't growing a claw tail, but part of me wished he was. I was planning on being on TV shows and making money off the strange growth. Oh well. Guess I have to continue to work for a living.