Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Washburns come to Flag...

Rich climbing with Jake & Isabelle

My Man, doin' his thang - look at 'dat technique!


Ipo - another of our guests for the weekend

Jake climbing to the top

Jake is an animal on the rock!



Belle, a mountain biking natural

pad testing

3/4 of the Washburns! Arkansans Rule!

Suzanne, Allen, Isabelle & Jake, fellow Arkansans (fellow-as in Rich is an Arkansan and has dubbed me an honorary Arkansan -woo!) from Durango came to visit us this weekend. Friday they amazed everyone at Absolute Bikes when they rented a tag-a-long and actually went out on trails with the kids for single track fun on the Campbell Mesa trails by our house. They had a great time and then we took them to our favorite bouldering area, the Glorias, after we got off work.

Rich whipped up one of his famous dinners. Delicious food, drinks for the gang, Brent showed up and entertained us all.

Saturday we went to West Elden. It was the perfect hang for our large gang, which included, Epo, Martel's dog who we've all but adopted (because she won't let us). It was the perfect fall day. Stan and Margot showed up to push me up the Twighlight Zone (see last post). Big dinner and lots of kid entertainment.

On Sunday Suzanne and I did a quick number on the Campbell Mesa trail (with Epo) and then our friends left. Rich and I slept for three hours! Wooh. Parenting - now that's a real job.

A great break from the week's home buying stress and so much fun to be with friends.